New website

By / 14th July, 2015 / News / 1 Comment

Welcome to our new website.  Compared with our old site, this one has more possibilities to search shells and  localities.  Also it is easier to order via a shopping cart.  We will try to update the site daily (or certainly weekly) in order to offer new material.  We have now almost 5000 items for sale, but still have many shells to add.  So if you are looking for a particular shell and do not find it on the site, please give us an email and we will see if it is in stock.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are present at most european shell shows, so if you would like to see a shell or if you would like to personally pick up the shells, feel free to ask.  We will gladly put shells aside for you or combine several orders in order to save postage costs.  We know that the Belgian postal system is very expensive (see also terms and conditions) and we have absolutely no problem with reserving shells for you.

We hope that you will enjoy the site.

Rika & Fernand

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